Rotunda Art Project – City Hall
27 West Jefferson Street
Louisville, Kentucky 40202

"With the Rotunda Art Project, we celebrate the intersection of history, the present and the future, as we recognize the work of some of Louisville's dynamic, contemporary artists."  - Mayor Greg Fischer, 2012

The Ground Floor Gallery produced an art exhibition for the Mayor and the City of Louisville in 2012 called "YOU ARE HERE," which was the premier in an unprecedented series of new art installations produced for public spaces in City Hall by invited curators. "YOU ARE HERE" asked the public to stand at the intersection of thirteen (13) contemporary artworks created by four (4) powerful, young artists, with one important thing in common: their artworks have brought the world to Louisville, and Louisville to the world. After years of making things, and many solitary hours in their respective studios, Carlos Gamez de Francisco, Jacob Heustis, Bryce Hudson, and Sarah Lyon have received regional, national, and international recognition for their art.




Body Anxious